What is important to pay attention to when choosing a tile


Ceramic tiles are the most popular material used to decorate bathrooms and kitchens. But how to choose a tile that it was of good quality and at the same time would be inexpensive?

We will talk about this in this review. As the saying goes: "it is better to measure seven times, and one - cut off." Therefore, if you are going to make repairs in the bathroom or in the kitchen yourself, then additional information and useful tips will not hurt.

Conventionally, tiles are divided into three main groups: by material, purpose and size. Let's take a closer look at each of these points.


For decoration of bathrooms and kitchens today, tiles and porcelain tiles are used. The first option is more affordable. However, many still buy porcelain tiles for decoration.

This is explained not so much by its strength (although this is an important factor), but by the rich selection of patterns with imitation of wood or stone.

When buying porcelain stoneware, it must be borne in mind that this material is heavier than ordinary tiles, therefore, special glue must be purchased for it, and it costs more than a standard dry mix.

In addition, drilling porcelain tiles by making holes for water sockets, sockets and shelf fasteners will take you a little longer than ordinary ceramic tiles. Consider these nuances.


Unlike porcelain tile, which is considered a universal material - it can be used for wall and wall cladding, tile is divided into two main types: wall and floor.

Floor tiles are much stronger than wall tiles. Therefore, buying ceramic tiles for walls, you do not need to lay it on the floor - for a long time it will not last.

However, it is quite possible to clad the walls with floor tiles. But this does not make sense, since it costs more. Therefore, when choosing a tile, consider its functional purpose.


The standard sizes of wall tiles are 20 * 30 cm, 20 * 40 cm and 20 * 60 cm. While floor tiles most often have dimensions of 30 * 30 cm. But in fact, the sizes of the tiles can be very different.

And many have a completely logical question: what size tile is better to buy for decorating a bathroom or kitchen?

On the one hand, a large tile looks on the wall and floor more aesthetically pleasing due to fewer joints. But this does not mean that you need to blindly follow popular trends. All individually.

It is best to choose the size of the tile based on the length and height of the wall so that there are fewer clippings in the process.

Also note that large tiles have a large curvature. For example, a tile of 20x60 cm will be more convex than a tile of 20 * 40 cm. Therefore, if you do not have experience in laying a "curved" tile, but you are going to do it yourself, it is better to buy a smaller tile.

Tile edge

Also, when choosing a tile, you need to pay attention to its edge. There is an edged and rounded edge. When laying tiles with rounded edges, the seam between the tiles will visually appear larger.

If you like narrow inter-tile seams, then choose tiles with trimmed edges. But keep in mind that such tiles will cost more.

In detail about what it is important to pay attention to when choosing a tile, we recommend that you look in the video on our website.


Watch the video: The Different Tile Material: What You Should Know (October 2024).