Glamorous Monkey


For tailoring a monkey, we need:
• A pair of terry children's socks;
• Hollofiber (for filling toys);
• needle;
• Thread;
• Scissors.

1. Next, on the socks, we carefully make the markings of the pattern with a black felt-tip pen. From one sock you get a head, body and legs, from the other ears, paws, tail and muzzle.

2. Then we cut the socks into separate parts, following our markings.

3. Now take the first sock and sew the details of the legs and head. We do not finish the head to the end, but leave literally 1 cm, in order to fill the body with filler.

We twist the toe out from the underside of the hole, fill the body of the monkey with the prepared filler and sew the hole left with an invisible seam. The toy can be filled with a variety of materials that are at your fingertips. Natural fillers: wool, fluff, cotton wool, tights and rags. You can also fill the toy with loose cereals, namely buckwheat or rice. Toys with rice are great for children up to three years, since playing with them, the baby develops motor skills.
The most suitable filler for sock toys are synthetic fillers: sintepuh, synthetic winterizer, foam rubber or silicone balls. In our case, we will use holofiber. This is a very springy filler in the form of rolled balls.
4. Then we sew all the other parts, except the muzzle and, turning it on the front side, fill it with holofiber.

5. Sew tail and legs to the monkey’s butt.

6. After we sew to the head a muzzle pre-filled with padding polyester.

7. Now we sew the ears and proceed and glue the eyes. You can decorate a monkey in different ways. In this case, we sew a toy bag, a comb to the monkey, and a flower to the head.

Glamorous monkey is ready.


Watch the video: Glamorous monkey (October 2024).